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E-numbers: which ones can I eat?

Joep Rovers
Joep Rovers Founder Elvou | August 26, 2024

What are E-numbers?

E numbers are additives approved by the European Union that are used to change the properties of food and other foods. Although these additives are generally considered safe by the EU, that does not mean they are always healthy. Thereby, everyone reacts differently to certain e-numbers, combining e-numbers and ingesting excessive amounts of e-numbers. This is not always without risk. Our bodies often let us know that fresh produce tastes better, which is why it is wise to choose foods without harmful additives.

Are all E numbers bad?

Not all E numbers are bad. Some are of natural origin and can even be beneficial to your health. To find out which e-numbers are bad, we have put an overview below, classifying all e-numbers. In it, green means that it is practically harmless to the human body, orange indicates that it should only be consumed in very limited amounts, and red means that it is best avoided. The list was compiled from a very critical perspective, so if there is any doubt, an additive has been placed in a worse category.

E numbers are divided into the following groups:

The E number overview

E100-199: colorants

Dyes are used to color or enhance the colors of products.

Origin Target E number Name Comments
Extraction from turmeric (Curcuma longa) Yellow dye E100 Curcumin
Different types of yeasts Yellow dye E101 Riboflavin Other name: vitamin B2
Synthetic Yellow dye E102 Tartrazine The ADI is up to 7.5 mg/kg body weight. May cause reactions in a small group of people.
Root of the alkanet (Alkanna tinctoria) Yellow dye E103 Alkannin Banned since 1984
Synthetic Yellow dye E104 Quinoline Yellow
Different types of yeasts Yellow dye E106 sodium riboflavin-5′-phosphate
Synthetic Yellow dye E107 Yellow 2G
Synthetic Yellow dye E110 Solar Yellow FCF
A scale insect species Red dye E120 Cochineal
Red dye E121 Citrus red 2 Carcinogenic, no longer authorized in the EU
Synthetic Red dye E122 Crimson
Synthetic Red dye E123 Amaranth
Synthetic Red dye E124 Cochineal Red A
E125 Ponceau SX
Synthetic Red dye E127 Erythrosine
Synthetic Red dye E128 Red 2G
Synthetic Red dye E129 Allura red
Synthetic Blue dye E131 Patent blue V
Synthetic Blue dye E132 Indigotine
Synthetic Blue dye E133 Brilliant Blue FCF
Natural dye, leafy green Dark green dye E140 Chlorophyll
Semi-synthetic Dark green dye E141 Chlorophyll copper complexes
Synthetic Green dye E142 Brilliant acid green BS
Green dye E143 Fast Green FCF
Burnt sugar Brown dye E150a Caramel dye Possibly carcinogenic in large amounts(source).
Burnt sugar Brown dye E150b Alkali sulfite caramel Possibly carcinogenic in large amounts(source).
Burnt sugar Brown dye E150c Ammonia Caramel Possibly carcinogenic in large amounts(source). May cause intestinal distress.
Burnt sugar Brown dye E150d Sulfite ammonia caramel Possibly carcinogenic in large amounts(source). May cause intestinal distress.
Synthetic Black dye E151 Brilliant Black BN
Semi-natural dye Black dye E153 Carbon
Synthetic Brown dye E154 Brown FK
Synthetic Brown dye E155 Chocolate brown HT
Various plant sources/synthetic Orange/yellow dye E160a Carotene
The tropical anatto tree (Bixa orellana) Orange/yellow dye E160b Annatto
Peppers Orange-red dye E160c Paprika extract
Tomatoes Red dye E160d Lycopene If genetically modified orange, otherwise green.
Synthetic from ß-carotene Orange dye E160e Beta-apo-8′-carotenal
Synthetic from ß-carotene Orange dye E160f Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8′-carotenic acid
Various plant sources or synthetic Yellow, orange to red dyes E161 Xanthophylls
Natural from buttercup Yellow dye E161a Flavoxanthin Banned in Switzerland.
Natural Yellow dye E161b Lutein
Natural Yellow dye E161c Kryptoxanthin Banned in Switzerland.
Natural from roses or rose hip Orange-red dye E161d Rubixanthin Carotenoid.
Natural from violets Orange dye E161e Violoxanthin Carotenoid.
Natural from Yew Purple dye E161f Rodhoxanthin Carotenoid.
Mostly synthetic, sometimes natural Yellow dye E161g Canthaxanthin Carotenoid. Added to chicken feed to make egg yolks more yellow.
Mostly synthetic, sometimes natural Yellow dye E161h Canthaxanthin Carotenoid. Added to chicken feed to make egg yolks more yellow.
Mostly synthetic, sometimes natural Orange dye E161i Citranaxanthin Carotenoid. The synthetic variety is often added to chicken feed.
Red beets Red/purple dye E162 Beet Red
Red cabbage and other plants Red, purple or blue dyes E163 Anthocyanins
Mineral, lime White dye E170 Calcium carbonate
Mineral White dye E171 Titanium dioxide Possibly carcinogenic in large quantities or inhalation
Ores or minerals black, red, orange or brown dye E172 Iron oxides
Bauxite ore Metallic dye E173 Aluminum
Silver ores Metallic dye E174 Silver
Different ores Metallic dye E175 Gold
Synthetic from aminonaphtholcarboxylic acid Red dye E180 Rubis pigment
Various plants, including the oak tree Yellow-white to brown powder E181 Tannic acid
E182 Orchil, orceine (litmus)

E200-299: Preservatives/Food acids

Preservatives are added to make products last longer. Nutritive acids have the purpose of changing the pH (acidity) that allows the product to have a longer shelf life, as well as preserving color.

Origin Target E number Name Comments
Natural (rowanberry) or synthetic Preservative against fungi and yeasts E200 Sorbic acid May cause skin irritation.
Synthetic Preservative E201 Sodium sorbate Similar to E200
Synthetic Preservative E202 Potassium sorbate Similar to E200
Synthetic Preservative E203 Calcium sorbate Similar to E200
Synthetic Preservative against fungi and bacteria E210 Benzoic acid
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts and bacteria E211 Sodium benzoate
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts and bacteria E212 Potassium benzoate
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts and bacteria E213 Calcium benzoate
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts, fungi, bacteria E214 Ethyl 4-hydroxibenzoate
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts, fungi, bacteria E215 Ethyl 4-hydroxibenzoate sodium salt
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts, fungi, bacteria E216 Propyl 4-hydroxibenzoate
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts, fungi, bacteria E217 Propyl 4-hydroxibenzoate sodium salt
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts and molds E218 Methyl 4-hydroxibenzoate
Synthetic Preservative against yeasts and molds E219 Methyl 4-hydroxibenzoate sodium salt
Naturally occurring gas Preservative, bleaching agent, dough improver E220 Sulfur dioxide
Synthetic Against microorganisms, Antioxidant, dough improvement E221 Sodium sulfite
Synthetic Preservative, Antioxidant, bleaching agent E222 Sodium bisulfite
Synthetic Preservative, Antioxidant, bleaching agent E223 Sodium metabisulfite
Synthetic Preservative against microorganisms E224 Potassium metabisulfite
Synthetic Preservative E225 Potassium sulfite
Synthetic Preservative E226 Calcium sulfite
Synthetic Preservative E227 Calcium bisulfite
Synthetic Preservative against microorganisms E228 Potassium bisulfite
Synthetic Preservative against mold E230 Biphenyl
Synthetic Preservative against fungi and bacteria E231 2-Hydroxibiphenyl
Synthetic Preservative against mold E232 Sodium ortho-phenylphenolate
Synthetic Preservative against mold E233 Thiabendazole
Produced by Lactococcus lactis Preservative against fungi and bacteria E234 Nisine
Produced by the fungus Streptomyces Preservative, especially against fungi E235 Pimaricin
Naturally occurring Antibacterial preservative, flavor enhancer E236 Formic acid
Synthetic Preservative against bacteria E237 Sodium formate
Synthetic Preservative against bacteria E238 Calcium formate
Synthetic Preservative against mold E239 Hexamine
Synthetic Disinfectant against bacteria E240 Formaldehyde
Synthetic Sterilizing cold soft drinks E242 Dimethyldicarbonate
Synthetic Preservative against fungi and bacteria E243 Ethyllauroylarginate In large quantities unfavorable for white blood cells
Natural Against botulism, prevents browning of meat E249 Potassium Nitrite
Natural Against botulism, prevents browning of meat E250 Sodium Nitrite
Natural Against bacteria, prevents browning of meat E251 Sodium nitrate
Natural Against botulism, prevents browning of meat E252 Potassium nitrate
Natural Against bacteria, flavoring E260 Acetic acid
Synthetic Prevents discoloration of food products E261 Sodium acetate
Synthetic Preservative against fungi and bacteria E262 Sodium diacetate
Synthetic Antibacterial preservative, stabilizer E263 Calcium acetate
Synthetic Antibacterial preservative, stabilizer E264 Ammonium acetate
Natural Anti-yeast preservative, flavoring agent E270 Lactic acid
Synthetic Preservative against some types of fungi E280 Propionic acid
Synthetic Preservative against 3 types of fungi E281 Sodium propionate
Synthetic Preservative against 3 types of fungi E282 Calcium propionate
Synthetic Preservative against mold E283 Potassium propionate
Synthetic Preservative E284 Boric Acid
Synthetic Preservative E285 Sodium tetraborate
Naturally occurring gas Preservative, refrigerant, "prick" in lemonade E290 Carbonic acid gas
Synthetic/natural Feed acid E296 Malic Acid May be GM
Synthetic Feed acid E297 Fumaric acid

E300-399: Antioxidants

Antioxidants make products last longer by increasing their resistance to oxygen (oxidation).

Origin Target E-Number name Comments
Naturally occurring Vitamin, Antioxidant, prevents browning E300 Ascorbic acid
Synthetic from ascorbic acid and table salt Vitamin, Antioxidant, prevents browning E301 Sodium ascorbate
Synthetic from ascorbic acid and calcium Antioxidant, stabilizer and as vitamin C E302 Calcium ascorbate
Synthetic Antioxidant against rancidity of fats E304 Ascorbyl palmitate
Natural Vitamin and Antioxidant E306 Tocopherol extracts
Natural or synthetic Vitamin and Antioxidant E307 alpha-tocopherol
Natural or synthetic Vitamin and Antioxidant E308 gamma-tocopherol
Natural or synthetic Vitamin and Antioxidant E309 delta-tocopherol
Synthetic Antioxidant E310 Propyl gallate
Synthetic Antioxidant E311 Octyl gallate
Synthetic Antioxidant E312 Dodecyl gallate
Synthetic Antioxidant E315 Erythorbic acid Synthetic vitamin C with only 1/20 the efficacy
Synthetic Antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate Synthetic vitamin C with only 1/20 the efficacy
Synthetic Antioxidant E319 Butylhydroquinone Applied in in oils and fats.
Synthetic Antioxidant E320 BHA - Butyl hydroxianisole
Synthetic Antioxidant E321 BHT - Butyl hydroxitoluene Hormone-disrupting effects identified.
Natural Antioxidant, emulsifier or anti-foaming agent E322 Lecithin Often extracted from soybeans by hexane
Synthetic Moisture binder E325 Sodium lactate
Synthetic Salt of lactic acid E326 Potassium lactate
Synthetic Salt of lactic acid E327 Calcium lactate
Natural or synthetic Acidifier E330 Citric acid Mostly synthesized mbv GM yeast
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E331a Sodium hydrogen citrate
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E331b Disodium citrate
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E331c Trisodium citrate
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E332a Potassium dihydrogen citrate
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E332b Trikalium citrate
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E333a Calcium hydrogen citrate
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E333b Di-calcium citrate
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E333c Calcium citrate
Natural acid E334 Tartaric Acid
Semi-synthetic salt of tartaric acid (E334) E335a Sodium hydrogen tartrate
Semi-synthetic salt of tartaric acid (E334) E335b Disodium tartrate
Semi-synthetic salt of tartaric acid (E334) E336a Potassium hydrogen tartrate
Semi-synthetic salt of tartaric acid (E334) E336b Potassium tartrate
Semi-synthetic salt of tartaric acid (E334) E337 Sodium potassium tartrate
Natural acid, synthetically prepared E338 Phosphoric acid
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E339a Sodium dihydrogen phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E339b Disodium hydrogen phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E339c Trisodium phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E340a Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E340b Potassium hydrogen phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E340c Trikalium phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E341a Monocalcium phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E341b Calcium hydrogen phosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E341c Tricalcium diphosphate
Salt of phosphoric acid (E338) E343 Magnesium phosphate
Salt of malic acid E350 Sodium malate and sodium hydrogen malate
Salt of malic acid E351 Potassium malate and Potassium hydrogen malate
Salt of malic acid E352 Calcium malate and Calcium hydrogen malate
Natural acid E353 Meta-tartaric acid
Salt of tartaric acid (E334) E354 Calcium tartrate
Natural acid E355 Adipic acid
Natural acid E363 Succinic acid
Synthetic acid E370 1,4-Heptonolactone
Natural or synthetic Synthetic acid E375 Nicotinic acid may cause dilation of blood vessels and redness of skin
Semi-synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E380 Triammonium citrate
Synthetic salt of citric acid (E330) E381 Ammonium ferric citrate
synthetic salt E385 Calcium EDTA

E400-499: Emulsifiers

Emulsifiers change the texture of a product and allow two originally incompatible substances to be mixed together.

Origin Target E number Name
Thickener E400 Alginic acid
Salt of alginic acid (E400) E401 Sodium alginate
Salt of alginic acid (E400) E402 Potassium alginate
Salt of alginic acid (E400) E403 Ammonium alginate
Salt of alginic acid (E400) E404 Calcium alginate
Alginic acid ester (E400) E405 Propylene glycol alginate
Natural Thickener E406 Agar-Agar
Natural Thickener E407 Carrageenan
Natural Thickener E408 Furcelleran
Natural Thickener E410 Locust bean gum
Natural Thickener E412 Gurapit flour
Natural Thickener E413 Tragacanth
Natural Thickener E414 Arabic Gum
Natural Thickener E415 Xanthan gum
Natural Thickener E416 Karayagom
Natural Thickener E417 Taragom
Natural Thickener E418 Gellangom
Natural sugar alcohol E420 Sorbitol
Natural sugar alcohol E421 Mannitol
Natural alcohol E422 Glycerol
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifier E430 Polyoxyethylene(8)stearate
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifier E431 Polyoxyethylene(40)stearate
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifier E432 Tween 20
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifier E433 Polysorbate 80
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifier E434 Tween 40
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifier E435 Tween 60
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifier E436 Tween 65
Natural Thickener E440a Pectin
Synthetic Prepared from pectin E440b Laminated pectin
Synthetic Synthetic emulsifiers E442 Ammonium phosphatides
Synthetic Stabilizer E445 Clycerolester
Synthetic Salt E450a Disodium dihydrogen diphosphate
Synthetic Salt E450a Trisodium diphosphate
Synthetic Salt E450a Tetrasodium diphosphate
Synthetic Salt E450a Tetrakalium diphosphate
Synthetic Salt E450b Pentasodium triphosphate
Synthetic Salt E450b Pentakalium triphosphate
Synthetic Salt E450c Sodium polyphosphate
Synthetic Salt E450c Potassium polyphosphate
Synthetic stabilizers E452, E452I-E452iv Polyphosphates
Natural polymer, wood dust E460 Microcrystalline Cellulose
Natural polymer, wood dust E460 Cellulose
Prepared from cellulose (E460) E461 Methylcellulose
Prepared from cellulose (E460) E463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose
Prepared from cellulose (E460) E464 Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose
Prepared from cellulose (E460) E465 Methylethylcellulose
Prepared from cellulose (E460) E466 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
Fatty acids Salts of fats E470 Fatty acid salts
Fatty acids Type of fat E471 Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E472a Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E472b Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with lactic acid
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E472c Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E472d Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids, esterified with tartaric acid
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E472e Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with acetic acid derivatives
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E472f Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids esterified with acetic and tartaric acids
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E473 Sugar esters
Combination of sugar with fatty acids. Synthetic emulsifiers E474 Sugar glycerides
Mixture of lactic acid and stearic acid Synthetic emulsifiers E481/482 Sodium/Calcium stearoyl lactylate
Mixture of tartaric acid and stearic acid Synthetic emulsifiers E483 Stearyl tartrate
Mixture of citric acid and stearic acid Synthetic emulsifiers E484 Stearyl citrate
Fatty acids Synthetic emulsifiers E491-495 Compounds of sorbitol (a vegetable substance) with various fatty acids

E500-599: Miscellaneous additives

This group consists of acidity regulators, anti-caking agents and raising agents. Acidity regulators control that the acidity is not too high, anti-caking agents keep clumping from occurring, and raising agents make bread rise faster.

Target E number Name Comments
base E500 Soda ash
base E500a Sodium hydrogen carbonate
base E501 Potassium carbonate
base E503 Ammonium carbonate
base, anti-clumping agent E504 Magnesium carbonate
source of iron E505 Iron carbonate
Natural acid E507 Hydrochloric acid
salt E508 Potassium chloride
metal ion binder E509 Calcium chloride
flavoring, dough improver E510 Ammonium chloride
firming agent E511 Magnesium chloride
Acid E513 Sulfuric acid
acid E514 Sodium sulfate
salt substitute E515 Potassium sulfate
firming agent E516 Calcium sulfate
magnesium source E518 Magnesium sulfate
firming agent E520 Aluminum sulfate
firming agent E521 Aluminum sodium sulfate
raising agent E523 Aluminum ammonium sulfate
base E524 Sodium hydroxide
base E525 Potassium hydroxide
base E526 Calcium hydroxide
base E527 Ammonia
base E528 Magnesium hydroxide
base E529 Calcium oxide
base, anti-clumping agent E530 Magnesium oxide
anti-caking agent E535 Sodium ferrocyanide
anti-caking agent E536 Potassium ferrocyanide
anti-caking agent E537 Ferrohexacyanomanganate
raising agent E540 Dicalcium diphosphate
raising agent E541 Acid sodium aluminum phosphate
smelting salt E541 Basic sodium aluminum phosphate
anti-caking agent E542 Bone meal
Stabilizer E543 Sodium calcium polyphosphate
Emulsifier E544 Calcium polyphosphate
Emulsifier E545 Ammonium polyphosphates
emulsifier E546 Dimagnesium diphosphate
anti-caking agent E550 Sodium silicate
anti-caking agent E551 Silicon dioxide
anti-caking agent E552 Calcium silicate
anti-caking agent E553a Magnesium silicate
anti-caking agent E553b Talk
anti-caking agent E554 Sodium aluminum silicate
anti-caking agent E555 Potassium aluminum silicate
anti-caking agent E556 Aluminum calcium silicate
anti-caking agent E557 Zinc silicate
anti-caking agent E558 Bentonite
anti-caking agent E559 Kaolin
anti-caking agent E570 Stearic acid
anti-caking agent E571 Ammonium stearate
anti-caking agent E572 Magnesium stearate
anti-caking agent E573 Aluminum stearate
metal ion binder E574 Gluconic acid
metal ion binder E575 Glucono-delta-lactone
metal ion binder E576 Sodium gluconate
metal ion binder E577 Potassium gluconate
acidity regulator E578 Calcium gluconate
iron source E579 Iron gluconate
Stabilizer E585 Iron lactate

E600-699: Flavor enhancers

Flavor enhancers make the taste of a product stronger or add a certain flavor.

Origin Target E number Name Comments
Synthetic Natural amino acid, flavor enhancer E620 L-glutamic acid Some people may be hypersensitive to it (see E621). Should not be used in baby food (under 3 months of age).
Synthetic Natural amino acid, flavor enhancer E621 Sodium glutamate May cause personality changes, rage, schizophrenia, apathy and behavioral disorders such as hyperactivity if hypersensitive. Must not be used in infant formula (under 3 months of age).
Synthetic Natural amino acid flavor enhancer E622 Potassium glutamate Similar to E621
Synthetic Natural amino acid flavor enhancer E623 Calcium glutamate Similar to E621
Synthetic Natural amino acid flavor enhancer E624 Ammonium glutamate Similar to E621
Synthetic Natural amino acid flavor enhancer E625 Magnesium glutamate Similar to E621, but can sometimes also have a calming effect
Natural Flavor enhancer E626 Guanylic acid May cause asthmatic reactions or edema formation if hypersensitive. Suspected of causing hyperactivity in children. Should not be used in infant formula (under 3 months of age).
Natural Flavor enhancer E627 Sodium guanylate Similar to E626. Extracted mainly from yeast
Natural Flavor enhancer E628 Potassium guanylate Similar to E626. Extracted mainly from yeast
Natural Flavor enhancer E629 Calcium guanylate Similar to E626. Extracted mainly from yeast
Natural Flavor enhancer E630 Inosic acid Extracted mainly from meat and sardines.
Natural Flavor enhancer E631 Sodium nosinate Extracted mainly from meat and sardines.
Natural Flavor enhancer E632 Potassium inosinate Extracted mainly from meat and sardines.
Natural Flavor enhancer E633 Calciuminosinate Extracted mainly from meat and sardines.
Natural Flavor enhancer E635 Sodium 5′-ribonucleotide Extracted mainly from meat and sardines.
Natural Flavor enhancer E636 Maltol Normally extracted from malt
Natural Flavor enhancer E637 Ethylmaltol
Synthetic Flavor enhancer E650 Zinc acetate

E700-799: Preservatives

Origin Target E number Name Comments
The fungus Streptomyces ambofaciens Preservative E710 Spiramycins A group of antibiotics
The fungus Streptomyces fradiae Preservative E713 Tylosin A group of antibiotics

E900-999: Anti-foaming agents, glazing agents, dough improvers, sweeteners

Flour improvers improve the baking properties of flour. Packing gases extend the shelf life of a product by changing the atmosphere of the product in question. Sweeteners give a product a sweet taste without calories.

Origin Target E number Name Comments
anti-foaming agent E900 Dimethylpolysiloxane
Made by bees Natural glazing agent E901 Beeswax
Excretion product of lice. Natural glazing agent E902 Candelilla wax
Natural glazing agent E903 Carnauba wax
Glosses E904 Shellac
Natural glazing agent E905 Mineral hydrocarbons
Natural glazing agent E906 Benzoin gum
Natural glazing agent E907 Kerosene wax
Natural glazing agent E908 Rice grain wax
Natural glazing agent E912 Montanoic acid Risk for allergies.
A fatty excretion product of sheep. Natural glazing agent E913 Lanolin
Synthetic Glossifier E914 Polyethylene wax
Natural amino acid E915 Colophony Esters
Extracted from proteins, especially from hair. Natural amino acid E920 L-cysteine
Extracted from proteins, especially from hair. dough improver E921 L-cystine
dough improver E922 Potassium persulfate
dough improver E923 Ammonium persulfate
preservative E924 Potassium bromate
Bleach E925 Chlorine
dough improver E927 Azodicarbonamide
Natural Stabilizer/Propellant E927b Carbamide
Natural Stabilizer/Propellant E938 Argon
Natural Stabilizer/Propellant E939 Helium
Natural Stabilizer/Propellant E941 Nitrogen
Natural Stabilizer/Propellant E942 Nitrogen Oxidule
Petrochemical Propellant E943a Butane
Petrochemical Propellant E943b Isobutane
Petrochemical Propellant E944 Propane
Natural Propellant E948 Oxygen
Natural Gas E949 Hydrogen
Synthetic Sweetener E950 Acesulfam K
Synthetic Sweetener E951 Aspartame
Synthetic Sweetener E952 Cyclamate
Synthetic Sweetener E953 Isomalt Made from sucrose / via GM
Natural Sweetener E954 Saccharin
Synthetic Sweetener E955 Sucralose Known by the name Splenda.
Protein from tropical plant Thaumatococcus daniellii Sweetener E957 Thaumatin
E959 Neohesperidine
Natural Sweetener E960 Stevia Steviol glycosides, 300 times sweeter than sugar
Synthetic Sweetener E961 Neotame Up to 13000 times sweeter than sugar
Synthetic Sweetener E962 Salt of Aspartame
Synthetic E965 Maltitol May be from GM source
Made from (cow) milk sugar E966 Lactitol
Natural Sweetener E968 Erythritol
Natural Foaming agent E999 Quillaja

E1400-1499 : Modified starches

Origin Target E-Number Name comments
thickener E1400 Dextrin
thickener E1401 Acid-treated starch
thickener E1402 Leach-treated starch
thickener E1403 Bleached starch
thickener E1404 Oxidized starch Could be GM or natural
thickener E1410 Monostarch phosphate
thickener E1411 Distarch phosphate
thickener E1412 Distarch phosphate